7/6/2016 Resources! Knowledge is Key
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Updated: 07/09/16
7/5/2016 The Quest For KnowledgeIslam is a very important part of my life and practicing it to the fullest is a priority for me. Every Muslim is different and unfortunately, not all are on the proper path. A quick glance into any masjid or any ‘Muslim’ Facebook group and you’ll see how diverse Muslims can be in regards to aspects of the deen. Everyone has a different opinion and everyone thinks they’re right. In these Muslim groups, most people tend to be split among the following groups:
![]() I am very careful of whom I take advice from when it comes to Islam and matters of fiqh. My husband and I definitely fall into the third category. We practice Islam by adhering to the Qur’an and Sunnah while following the guidance of the righteous predecessors. With that being said, we aren’t fond of labels and generally don’t label others. While I enjoy engaging in dialogue with Muslims who practice differently, I will admit that it is difficult at times to discuss aspects of Islam with those who have a flawed understanding due to misguided information. If the source of your information is incorrect, then the conclusions you derive from that information will also most likely be incorrect. I love learning and learning/discovering new things in Islam is something that excites me. Sharing new knowledge with my fellow Muslim sisters and having them share knowledge with me is an integral part of my best friendships. Whenever I come across something new, I take the time to research it more in depth and then think about how I can apply this new knowledge to my life. Now that I am married, whenever I learn something new or decide that I want to look into things further, I approach my husband. We both then individually research the topic and then discuss it together. We’ve recently delved into the subject of celebrating birthdays and niqab(in sha Allah, I’ll do a post on our findings later). After researching and discussing the topic, we follow the ruling that appears to be the most sahih(authentic). Sometimes the ruling that seems to be the most authentic and accurate is not what exactly what we’d like to do or might not naturally fit into our current routines but we know we need to follow it.
The important thing to remember when seeking out information on Islam, especially when it comes to fiqh, is that there is a ton of information out there and a lot of it is wrong. Always ask for proof! Which ayah in the Qur’an or what hadith was used to derive this ruling, what is the educational background of the person giving the ruling, where did the person receive their ijazah from- these are all questions that you should have answers to prior to ‘taking’ from someone and following a ruling. |
About "Life Gems"Welcome to another addition to "Lady_Meansie's Corner". This portion of my corner is essentially my blog. The posts will be short but packed with important reminders for fellow Muslimahs. Remember to leave your thoughts in the comments. I love engaging in dialogue with my fellow Muslimahs. Archives
December 2017